Acing Rejection

Rejection is always difficult. It humiliates, demotivates and interferes with our confidence levels. But rejection, setbacks and failures are important and serve us in some way.

Incidents that leave us shunned and left in the lurch by another’s action or response, are also the incidents that push us forward, move us from a state of possible stagnancy to energized innovation, begging us to ask ourselves, what more, to go beyond, and raise the bar

Palki Sharma, in her TEDx talk on Mind the Gap, mentions the orbit shift, creating a breakthrough that achieves a transformative impact. Palki talks about the gravitational pull that keeps us grounded no doubt, but prevents us from flying, naming them as personal, social, company and industry levels of gravity, where we are forever conforming.

Often for a shift to happen, for us to tap into ourselves, bring out greatness that sets us apart, we need to be shaken out of complacency, and look at creativeness, uniqueness, and reorganization . Failures help us to look at ourselves, and re-invent.

In the movie Runway 34, Amitabh Bachchan informs of his 3 steps to dealing with mistakes, these being to a) acknowledge them, b) learn from them, and c) never repeat them.

To move from rejection to development:

1) allow yourselves to feel what you feel, be it anger, embarrassment or discouragement. When you don’t resist, and instead acknowledge , it makes moving on easier as you are not using your energy in fighting it

2) As you stop resistance, you start disassociating with the emotion and see the incident for what it is, internally enquiring about its validity, reasoning on both sides, and what you could do to learn so that you turn this into a gain

3) Break it down to what really shocked you about the rejection, and what you can do to be mindful of what happened. This gives you an objective understanding and further clarity.

4) Implement the new learning into a fresh approach, a new way of doing things, that is a unique and an improved fit for you

As Bryant McGill said: Rejection is merely redirection

The point is, if there is redirection, why not choose a direction that is distinctive, leading-edge, and original.

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